For your convenience we have partnered up with multiple personal shoppers across the U.S. that may assist you from the purchase of your desired product to preparing your box to be shipped. Please contact our team fore more details. Using a personal shopper has many benefits such as, help with the purchase of the product, order check, removing unnecessary packaging to make more space in your box, additional protection for the items inside the box and many more essential services not provided by Home DeliveryBR directly.
You may enroll if you’re a business searching for e-commerce solutions, have spoken to our team received a pricing sheet.
Products + freight may not exceed US$ 2,999.99
Living animals, chemicals, human body parts, precious rocks/jewelry, guns/ammunitions/replicas or related products, flammable products, some aerosol products, money/checks/documents, perishable foods, tobacco/electronic cigarettes or related products, drugs, damaged or broken items, items that are prohibited to carry/import/export according to any law/statutes/regulations, items that are wet/leaking/emitting odor, items that may cause damages or delays to any equipment, personnel or property, items that require any kind of special license, lottery tickets or gambling devices, motorized engines, pornography or obscene material, untreated wood.
Items with or packed in lithium ion batteries and perfumes maybe not be shipped with any other products of different DG categories. Lithium ion batteries may only be shipped with other items with the same classification (UN3481), no other classification is accepted. Products in the ID8000 category such as perfumes, aerosol (for bodily usage), nail polish and others may not be shipped with products in a different category such as UN3481. Additional fee may apply. The airline may impose a ticket for items not properly declared.
If you order or attempt to ship products that cannot be legally exported, imported or sold in the country of origin or destination (such items mentioned above) we are not able to return the items to the merchant or ship them to an alternate address. You are fully responsible for verifying the legality of items at origin and destination. You should also be aware that they are subject to seizure by law enforcement authorities who may investigate further.
We suggest that you ask your bank to consider your Home DeliveryBR address as an alternative billing address. This simple action will facilitate your purchases. We, however, do not store letters, mail from your bank, check, cards and documents.
All of our packages are trackable. Tracking to Brazil should be done via Correios.
We accept international, American and Brazilian credit cards. In case of currency exchange please consult your bank or card provider for additional details.
You may purchase insurance upon request.
Transit time will vary based on the chosen shipping method and destination. The average transit time is 15-20 business days. Delays by local customs authorities may cause delay and does not count as transit time.
Importation taxes and any customs clearance fees may vary from country to country.
Please consult your destination’s local laws regarding taxes and duties and fees. Home DeliveryBR does not produce or alter invoices, therefore the recipient is solely responsible for providing requested documentation to local authorities for customs clearance if requested.
Please visit our online free calculator to get an estimate of our services, taxes and duties (if applicable).
Home DeliveryBR offers consolidation (unification) of 2 or more packages upon request. Consolidation is the process of unifying several boxes in a single box, thus respecting the chosen service’s limitations (such as weight, dimensions, and value).
By using our consolidation service we will unify 2 or more packages from different stores you will most likely reduce your volume and possibly save up on your freight cost.
All shipments are sent in the box they are received in, unless, torn/ripped or wet. Otherwise, any other changes like a replacement of original box, removal of the box, removal of product’s box, change of box not due to rip/tear or moist, will only be done upon request by client/sender and additional charges may apply.
Home DeliveryBR is not responsible for damage caused by the packaging requested by the client. Once the final shipping box is determined, final weight and dimensions will be recorded and made available for the client to pick the shipping method and make payment.
If the duties & taxes are paid at destination our facility at destination may receive the package, relabel it and ship it back out (domestically) at an additional cost. Contact us for rate sheet.
If the duties & taxes are not paid/rejected by recipient or not allowed entry by local officials for any reason, the package will be discarded by customs/postal office at no additional cost.
Download the documents to learn a bit more of the limits and prerequisites of the services we offer.
You may reach us by email at or WhatsApp message (only) at +1(305)888-5191. Please allow our team 24 business hours to get back to you.
Additional services may add 2 business days to your processing time.
Some cases may take up to 90 days to be resolved, third party policies and procedures also apply.
By using our services directly or via third party you agree to all of our terms & conditions. Click here to view our terms and conditions